Hope In . . .
First off, if you tried to link Thelma & Louise and found the article non-existent, I am so sorry! I’m new to this site and probably erased it. I also fought with its formatting, but it pinned me this morning. So I’ll limp on a bit wounded in ego :-)
I know I said we’d proceed with the next myth, but may we stay a bit longer with the first myth: Death is the natural end of life? . . . Since daily we do face death, be it naturally, as in ‘old age’ or tragically, as experienced through wars, terrorism or road rage.
No, it wasn’t coded in the original purpose, but still not to be called a ‘glitch’ since it was an initiated ‘virus’. So, we fight for control of our personal computers with their hard drives of hearts and minds to safeguard their futures.
However, be assure that behind the scenes, horrible, debilitating ‘viruses’ cast as famine, pestilence, and war causing mankind’s death will soon be eliminated forever. Some may hear current news and become fearful of an impeding apocalypse.
Please, fear not!
Our Creator has promised, by means of his Son to: “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18)
Immediately after Adam and Eve rebelled, God began to reveal his purpose for an arrangement to install a Kingdom “that will never be brought to ruin.” (Daniel 2:44) That Kingdom, you’ve probably been taught to pray, is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer.— Matthew 6:9, 10. It can erase our fear, because it will bring untold blessings to mankind:
God will “wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” (Revelation 21:4; Psalm 37:9-11, 29; Matthew 5:5; Isaiah 45:22)
What human could ever accomplish those things?
Only Our Creator can bring us to the condition he originally purposed for mankind.
Yet, this future will not be for the majority of mankind. Today’s ‘viruses’ many unfortunately want to continue. Many feel powerful and don’t want to relinquish their lives to a ‘righteous’ being. While others are intimidated into a stagnant state of being.
But, don’t let that be your choice. The Creator promises:
“This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” John 17:3
Is it not wise to side ourselves on the side of the Almighty and Mighty? . . . And should we not do this now? . . . For notice this advice given by a wise King long ago:
“Come, now, you who say: “Today or tomorrow we will travel to this city and will spend a year there, and we will do business and make some profit,” whereas you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears.”—James 4:13, 14.
God calls out lovingly and patiently: “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, For I am God, and there is no one else.” (Isaiah 45:22)
He exhorts us:
“Hope in Jehovah and follow his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. When the wicked are done away with, you will see it.” Psalm 37:34