Thelma and Louise

T & L
I remember watching this film. As a young adult I felt inspired to take nothing! . . . Ever. The movie sort of ignited an already vigilante spirit I had as a child. Imagine, age six, thinking of how to defend myself in future volatile situations with weaponry and violence. One would think I lived in a warzone, instead of a house with a single-mother and seven brothers.
(You’re thinking that’s why I felt that way ðŸ™‚
Well, maybe like Thelma, I’d suppressed some previous life experiences that could have caused me to react like she in a future situation. . . Maybe.)
For girls and boys too face injustices very early in life. Even, unfortunately, as babies. Parents or guardians must not assume that they can just send or leave their children in the hands of people with no love for them without monitorization–my spin on the word.
In the past, children did spent the day either with mom at home or with dad at work. There was plenty of time for children and parents to be together and talk. As a result, it was easier for parents to know the needs, desires, and personalities of their children– although it didn’t always happen. But more opportunities existed for even the children to get to know their parents well.
But it’s different now. The same 24 hours and 7 days a week, but we have less time. And more to occupy the time we do have.
Yet, shouldn’t we:
“Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, making the best use of your time, because the days are wicked”? Ephesians 5:15, 16.
That is why parents, either one or the other, but ideally both must talk daily with their children. Give them direction. Teach them principles that they themselves must first gain.
Give them . . . hope.
Something both Thelma and Louise lacked.
T & L trip
Both women lived without a real reason for living. And they started the trip to relieve themselves of the monotony or boredom of their existence. . . The reason why this film has resonated with so many. For even many question:
Why really are we here?
Is this the way you feel? . . .
“Our days ebb away because of your fury; and our years come to an end like a whisper. The span of our life is 70 years, or 80 if one is especially strong. But they are filled with trouble and sorrow; they quickly pass by, and away we fly”. Psalm 90:9, 10.
Yes, millions of people are affected by adversity in one form or another: personal tragedy, war, famine, or natural disaster.
Or are you less affected by adversities, but are those who risk getting caught up in what well-known writer Stephen R. Covey calls “the busy-ness of life”?
He wrote about those who “find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them.” . . . Are you one of these?
In whatever situation we temporarily exist, you’d probably agree that increasing our speed on any trip or life journey is pointless if we are not heading in the right direction. It can only lead to disaster.
Likewise, looking for meaning in life by simply increasing our “busy-ness” will bring only emptiness, not true fulfillment.
So what can we do? . . . What should be our priority?
Shall we discuss that tomorrow?