Friday, June 30, 2017

Soon To Be

With each glorious hued sunrise new
vitality erupts; no wickedness corrupts
total energy, youthful strength as a gazelle's

No more to dread portions meager.
No more to thirst for water eager
with rivers rushing sparkling clean
with minds elevated no actions mean.

All risings, not up-risings, dedicated to offering
knees bent, heads humbly bowed too
in gratitude bestowing His Sovereignty
whole-souled love, devotion--owing.

Held this awesome Majesty in high esteem
for what He deemed His Grand Purpose:
Universal Harmony.

Angels plus international human beings
brothers. Bound shoulder-to-shoulder loving
uplifting one another, after the 'The Ancient of Days' redeemed
sinful mankind with a sacrifice of his beloved angelic son.
Reversal of sin's ruinous effects His loving obedience faithful testimony bought;

yes, victory over death everlastingly won.

So life after every magnificent sunset ended
and a new day begun will only better to better get
as a Master Worker beside a Father sets
His Purpose for peace and security
forever. His name not to forget
after permitting mankind's imperfect rulership
this earth to almost unequivocally upset.

Now and forevermore this case of rulership to beget an end to questions like: Why Are We Here? For life eternal with no hazardous externals to cause us ultimately to fear:

path closed to future perfection,
untimely deaths,
mourning, depression or just unhappy tears

makes it perfectly clear:

To Worship the Almighty
happy, content with family plus friends
eternally spent working, wedding, banqueting
with loved ones near and dear

Is Why Jesus Christ down to this land was
unselfishly sent.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Flight of the Blue Butterfly

Flight of the Blue Butterfly

As society news spins warped wobbly wheels
emotions tech connected plummet
to splay across low-growing vegetation
drying out on our acidic soils
spoiled by gurgling blood of our brothers
pathetically spilled

each day swirling into midnight blue

spines weakened to knees finally bent
in earnest prayer for violence to relent its flourish
although many still refuse

for false stars sparkle
eyes of fragile vassals
foolishly relishing a glow

fleeting their soar
into a black hole to perish
since obedience's a bore

genuine care

a majority vulnerable
afraid to trust
in darkness to share

when a baby carriage left unattended
causes terror

even attended blasting buildings
scaring kings who parade before paupers

total hearts rapid beating to bust;

yet, blue stays the hue of sky

among blooming blue marsh gentians
butterflies feel secure

land after flying into the dainty flowers of bog heather
assured their babies to rise

when caterpillar-turned-butterfly dashes
a twig does climb
to save limbs, not die

stretching glorious wings
to dry after a year's fight to survive
butterfly blue flaps wings first time
to flutter high above the heath!

to brighten
our hopeful eyes

as within days they mate
to again cycle eternal birth

spun again their search
for more tall blue marsh gentian

imitating progeny joyful too

since parents chose
this loving Creator

beautifully extending
a future imbued with prolific peace
sweet security ensured

under righteous tranquilly:
'new heavens' our 'heath'

on a cleansed

'new earth'.

"Hope in Jehovah and follow his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked are done away with,

you will see it."

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Avenue ... Written for Bukowski poetry contest

resplendent velvet petals
nourished in sweet morning's dew


stems ripped by vacillating night gales
in the wake of
meritorious regales
entwined on familial vines of salubrious
redolent roses

splintered remnants

floating a river flooded by petrified drops
of liquefied terrors
pitiably shared as rapid waves of insurgence
rape naïve brilliance

of blossoming daybreaks

of glistening planes
of splendid prospects

displaced by bleakness from odious relationships
(slick weeds to choke breath divine)

crippling despair
when strength flees

cowardice revealed to bully self-esteem

a limp spine before whipping rain
attacking chipped bricks comprising a skeletal frame
seated at a broken window pane

a moonless sky sprouting
sporadic trembling dread
sprawled across a three-legged chair
with no solid support to spare

stares vacant

comatose strains

killing rectitude
meekness of heart unleashing waterfalls of love
which humanness imparts.

instead lost

tossed to strand upon maggot infested heaps


for buzzards to collectively reap
toothsome rewards of decaying morsels

torn from nations
of corpses

dead on avenues of once flourishing

Saturday, June 3, 2017

REALLY? ... Written for contest God and Religion

Death tramples only withered old oaks,

weeping willows of wearied widows,

not airborne arrogant,
boastful bold wealthy wizards

or brilliant talents sporting gold?
No, this starving steed hurries greedily in pursuit of newborns, youth, great, small, you, me all consumed as heat of his travels
gravel aggravates at irrepressible seen speed

or stealthily, leisurely in shadows at an almost regal gait

it twirls, then hurls away complete towns
or drowns cities while survivors of wrathful rising waters
anxiously wait

it arrives at the party early, late
chopping down hospitable hosts or grateful guests
while bystanders rock on weakened knees
their souls wracked by sobbing bleeds

at the beach a strong swimmers' body becomes victim to waves, bites, a gallbladder attack cramping ability currents to fight

as death gulps down the blood of the wrong
the right, the innocent, the warriors expending all their collective might
sent into battle
blessed by a God divided? One who is sided against progeny created? Then toasted eternally for partaking of lustful desires
or disobedience to laws he lovingly dictated?

doesn't eternally wobble
because of doctorates

or traditional creeds proclaimed true
by pagans plus
Christians designed to appease
a mass of divergent humanity.

False religion
hatred and lies
long ago perpetrated

pupated by a covetous spirit son

a traitorous rebellion
he initially instigated

whether of him
one believes or not
he spins a ruse
to exist a God of Love?
He does confuse.

daily a Creator's existence
is Divinely perceived

by variant breezes,
awe-inspiring black holes,

by ice glaciers,
by pigeons or human
in high hidden coves

faithful 'thinkers' not by
theories deceived
as 'truth' refreshes even hardened atheists crumbled by life's agonies relieved since a 'valid' hope eases spirits crippled by pain and disease

said: "There are no atheists in foxholes." Although, true, foxholes make atheists. Do.)

abundant knowledge of 'truth',

is gratefully received by humbled
honest-hearted ones internationally

these meek ones pleased to praise a righteous ruler
this earth to retrieve and cleanse of injustices, which wicked ones do gleefully breed.

Science and history has provided clear proof.

death will be conquered
along with demons spreading libel seeds.

An eternal victory in heaven or earth
will belong to those giving God's King and Kingdom
faithful, loyal and loving heed.

This new strong
God-backed Government--
Theocratic indeed

Born in the heavens.

Already given righteous birth.

It is God's purpose
to fulfill all humanity's
literal and spiritual
